Each line from these verses of Book of Mormon Stories has been translated to emojis. See if you can figure out what they say, and then click on each line to see the emoji version translated back to English!
1. Book of Mormon stories that my teacher tells to me
Are about the Lamanites in ancient history.
Long ago their fathers came from far across the sea,
Giv'n the land if they lived righteously.
2. Lamanites met others who were seeking liberty,
And the land soon welcomed all who wanted to be free.
Book of Mormon stories say that we must brothers be,
Giv'n the land if we live righteously.
6. Once two thousand sons of God were called to fight the foe.
Marching as an army into battle they did go.
They believed that Christ the Lord their guardian would be.
They had learned they should live righteously.
8. After Christ was crucified and died for you and me,
He came forth to teach the truth to all who would be free.
Hands were laid upon each child. He blessed them tenderly,
And they lived in the land righteously.