How to Play Thanksgiving BINGO

- Print enough copies of the Thanksgiving BINGO card so that all players have one.
- Gather items to use as markers. I highly recommend Starburst because they are the perfect shape and don't roll around. You could also use beans, M&Ms, buttons, pieces of paper, etc.
- Get a piece of paper to use later to make the thankful list.
- Prepare little slips of paper and find a bowl.
- Get prizes if you'd like!
Time to be Thankful
- Pass out a BINGO card to each player.
- Take turns saying one thing that you are thankful for.
- Have one person write the things down in the thankful list, so you will have them to reference later if you need to (such as if someone comes in late and needs to catch up).
- Also, write each thing on a slip of paper and put it in the bowl.
- As people say their things, everyone writes each of those things down on a random square of their BINGO card.
- Once the cards are full, you are ready to play!
- Have one person draw a slip of paper from the bowl and read it out loud.
- Everyone looks at their BINGO card to find where they have that thing written on their card.
- Once they have it, they put a marker on that square.
- Continue drawing slips of paper and marking squares until someone gets BINGO!
- You can continue for a few more BINGOs, or start over if you choose.
Possible Variations:
- Trade cards
- Go for 4 corners
- Go for a X
- Go for the outer frame
- Go for 2 columns
- What else can you think of?