How to Play
Choose one player to be the guesser. Have them close their eyes, deafen themselves, or leave the room or zoom for a couple of minutes.
The rest of the players will choose a secret word that is an item that everyone (or mostly everyone) present has or uses, such as a:
- toothbrush
- washing machine
- swimsuit
- favorite dessert
- lawn mower
- favorite magazine
- neighbor
- hair
Invite the guesser back.
Take turns describing what your secret item is like. Try to be clever and subtle -- not too obvious, but truthful & accurate. The other players can act as judges to enforce that.
If you have more than one of the item, choose one specifically in your mind as you describe the secret item.
After each description, the guesser can try and guess the secret item.
The guesser is trying to guess the secret item in as few guesses as possible, while the other players try to keep them guessing for as long as possible (within reason).
When the guesser guesses correctly, the player who gave the last clue gets to be the next guesser.
You can buy a physical version of the game here.