How to Play
Choose one person to be the guesser and have them leave the room or otherwise not be able to hear your conversation.
While they can't hear, choose an action verb, such as:
- Run
- Bite
- Apologize
- Sleep
Then invite the guesser back.
The guesser then asks questions to the group as a whole, or individual people -- whichever they want.
The questions will hopefully help them to determine the verb. Everyone uses the word 'smurf' in place of the mystery verb.
Helpful questions might include:
- How often do you smurf?
- Where do you smurf?
- Why do you smurf?
- Does smurfing cause pain?
The players will respond with the 'smurf' placeholder.
Responses might include:
- I smurf at mealtimes.
- I smurf because otherwise I would go crazy.
- Some people can smurf pain-free; I, unfortunately, am not one of them. My body complains.
After each question and response, the guesser can then make a guess, if they feel so inclined.
Once the guesser guesses correctly, a new guesser is chosen, etc.
Have a fun time smurfing!