Six Second Rule Game

Inspired by the game Five Second Rule

How to play:

  1. If you want to play with friends online, share the link to this page with everyone playing, and start a zoom.
  2. Determine a playing order -- who will be first, second, etc.
  3. One person is the judge per round. The judge clicks 'get category' and reads the resulting category aloud.
  4. Then the judge starts the timer.
  5. The person after the judge is in the hot seat and has to give three answers under 6 seconds.
  6. If the person can't, no points are given.
  7. However, if the person gives three answers, the judge starts the timer again and the next person tries to give three different answers from the first person.
  8. This continues until someone makes a mistake, repeats what has already been said, or has a brain fart and is stomped!
  9. When that happens, the point is given to the LAST person who gave the last three different answers from anyone else.
  10. Then that person becomes the next judge.
  11. The game continues until someone gets 6 points.

Points Tracker