The What
The Good News/Bad News Game is an excellent opportunity to create stories as imaginative and comical as you'd like.
Play with 2 or more players.
You will alternate giving good and bad news until you just can't keep going anymore, maybe because someone laughs too hard and chokes on their spit or something.
![laughing while telling the news](./static/images/news/laugh.png)
The How
1. Choose someone to be first.
They come up with a line of good news, such as, 'The good news is that today's weather is beautiful.'
2. The next person comes up with a piece of bad news, that contradicts the good news in some way.
For example, 'The bad news is that we are stuck inside all day doing a math test.'
3. The person next up comes up with a piece of good news, that helps to make the bad news seem less bad.
Here we go: 'The good news is that we are all math geniuses and can't think of anything we'd rather do than take math tests!'
4. Continue taking turns, with each playing telling alternate lines of good or bad news.
Player 4 might say, 'The bad news is that we were just sucked into an alternate universe that bases their math on a purely complex combination of colors, calculus, and cookie crumbs.'
![cookie math](./static/images/news/cookie-math.png)
Next up might be with Player 5 with: 'The good news is that we love cookies and can't wait to learn cookie math.'
The Where
This game can be played pretty much anywhere: online, in person, during a long car ride, somewhere where you need to break some serious ice, etc.
![exercising brain](./static/images/news/road-trip.png)
The When
Just like The Where, the sky's the limit.
![the sky's the limit](./static/images/news/sky-limit.png)
The Why
Do you need a reason? Well, it has the potential to build connections, increase creativity and quick-thinking, and be good practice for listening skills. Also, laughter is good for the soul.
![exercising brain](./static/images/news/exercise-brain.png)