How to play:
- If you want to play with friends online, share the link to this page with everyone playing, and start a zoom.
- Choose one person to be it and close their eyes, plug their ears, and maybe even leave the room temporarily.
- Everyone else chooses an adverb -- a word that ends in -ly and describes an action, such as mysteriously. Use the button below to get suggestions, if you want.
- Invite it back, or wait until they come back!
- Next, it gets to tell others to do something 'in the manner of the adverb.'
-- such as 'Phineas, go shake hands with Ferb.' - The people chosen to do the action then do the action in the manner of the adverb. (Of course, only if they are comfortable and okay with the action.) In our example, they would shake hands mysteriously, or pretend to do so as best as they can over zoom.
- After the requested person or people do the action requested, it gets a chance to guess the adverb.
- When it guesses correctly, they get a point, and the actors get a point.
- Play another round by picking someone else to leave the room, and then picking a new adverb, etc.
in a way that is difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify; in a deliberately enigmatic manner.
Points Tracker
Click each time you get a point.